
Great Orton Primary School Governors

A copy of the minutes from Governor meetings are available to view in the school reception area.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact Mrs Sue Wright, Clerk to the Governors, at the school on 01228 711602 or email

Mrs R Cuzick

Mrs R Cuzick

  • Class teacher in Year 3/4 Narnia (Wed/Thurs/Fri )
  • Subject leader in RE, PSHE, Art, DT
  • Staff governor.

Miss Sharon McGaffin

Miss Sharon McGaffin

  • Chair of Governors 
  • Co-opted Governor

Mrs Verna Lowe

Mrs Verna Lowe

  • Vice Chair of Governors
  • Co-opted Governor


Mrs Rosie Watling

Mrs Rosie Watling

  • Safeguarding Governor
  • Co-opted Governor


Mrs Vicky Gaffney

Mrs Vicky Gaffney

  • Parent Governor

Mr Ben Tickle

Mr Ben Tickle

  • Parent Governor

Mrs C Evans

Mrs C Evans

  • Co-opted Governor

Mr Kevin Denwood

Mr Kevin Denwood

  • Co-opted Governor

Mr M Walker

Mr M Walker

  • Headteacher

Mrs R Cuzick

Mrs R Cuzick

  • Staff Governor

Mrs Sue Wright

Mrs Sue Wright

  • Clerk to the Governors

Governor Downloads